Every aspect of our lives affects and is affected by climate change – personal and professional; dreamt of and experienced. As systems, both climate and society are sensitive to the changes humans put in motion. The cultural sector is making important strides in recognizing the need to respond to climate change. This session illustrates how, at every scale, cultural heritage professionals and institutions are addressing systems that cause climate change that affect both the natural and cultural worlds. After a brief overview of the sector’s recent successes, Sarah will describe the new approaches and opportunities she sees as the sector accelerates its work in reducing its impact on the climate and developing resilience approaches for the future.
Co-Founder/CEO, Environment & Culture Partners (ECP)
Sarah Sutton is co-founder and CEO of Environment & Culture Partners (ECP), a US-based nonprofit advancing cultural section action on environmental and climate issues through cohorts and partnerships. Sarah is part of AIC’s Held in Trust initiative as co-chair of the Climate Crisis Working Group. ECP participates in a number of cooperative grants addressing climate action and cultural institutions, including two IMLS grants: Caretakers of Wonder, focusing on children’s museums and their climate engagement and action, and Culture over Carbon, establishing a carbon footprint for the museum sector, and creates a roadmap to clean energy and energy efficient museums nationwide. ECP coordinates the US Cultural Sector for America is All In, and took part in the 2021 IPCC-UNESCO-ICOMOS International Co-Sponsored Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change. https://whc.unesco.org/en/news/2390